Joe Hubert

LinkedIn Profile

  • Technical Manager
  • Systems Analyst
  • Solution Architect

Technical Manager

I have been fortunate enough to have terrific managers throughout my career. As a manager of technical individuals, I strive to emulate the traits of the managers that I respected and valued so greatly:

  • A manager must strive to exhibit consistency in expectations and behavior. A reliable and transparent approach promotes psychological safety within the team, fostering a healthy work environment where individuals feel secure and empowered. This environment enables team members to perform optimally, encouraging collaboration and innovation.
  • Effective management involves finding the optimal level of involvement on a spectrum that ranges from complete disengagement to micro-managing. Striking the right balance is crucial, recognizing that the appropriate level of involvement can vary based on the situation and individuals involved. A manager’s role is to navigate this spectrum, providing guidance and support without being overly hands-off or excessively controlling, ultimately fostering a work environment that encourages autonomy and collaboration.
  • A technical manager must prioritize the professional and personal development of their staff. Investing in the growth of team members enhances their skills and capabilities, directly contributing to the company’s success and competitiveness. And fostering an environment of continuous learning and development is simply the right thing to do. It not only enriches the lives of individuals but also strengthens the team’s collective expertise and morale, creating a positive and sustainable work culture.
  • A manager must establish loyalty through the example of positive behavior and trust rather than resorting to intimidation and threats of consequence. This approach fosters a culture of respect, open communication, and support. Relying on intimidation and threats may lead to short-term compliance but often erodes trust, stifles creativity, and undermines the long-term success and cohesion of the team. If there’s one thing action movies have taught us about this choice of leadership style, it’s that leaders who rely on intimidation and threats will inevitably find themselves abandoned by their team when situations take a downturn.

Systems Analyst

It’s been my experience that software developers can typically accomplish virtually anything. Perceived failures in software development often stem from unclear or incomplete direction provided to them. My professional mission is to translate business requirements into clear and actionable direction for software developers, ensuring their success in delivering effective and aligned solutions. Throughout my career, I have honed my ability to ask insightful questions and delve beyond spoken words, ensuring a thorough understanding of answers when determining requirements for software systems.

I have a consistent track record of delivering software system on time and to specification. I have been told directly by managers and members of multiple development teams that the guidance I provided to them exceeded anything they had seen prior and that guidance enable them to work efficiently and effectively.

Solution Architect

I derive immense satisfaction from creating innovative solutions, a passion that originated from building with shoeboxes and Lego and has evolved into a focus on software and systems today. I am personally rewarded by crafting solutions that provide significant value to user audiences.

Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to lead talented developer teams in delivering cutting-edge solutions. My key role is to define and logically design solutions, orchestrating the realization of stakeholders’ needs through collaboration with development teams. I take pride in my involvement with numerous successful projects, including recent accomplishments that automated processes, reducing manual labor to a fraction of its previous demand.

I actively follow evolving and complementary technologies such as robotics, machine learning, and the Internet of Things in consideration of the creation of holistic solutions that address complex challenges, drive innovation, and unlock new possibilities in diverse sectors ranging from manufacturing and healthcare to smart cities and beyond.

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